Several TFI Advocates join Jami in a conversation about why they became Advocates and the benefits of being an Advocate with TFI.
Jason Weber’s experience with working with the inner-city kids and families provided not only an invitation to foster, but also an invitation to help other followers of Christ engage in caring for kids who needed families.
In this episode, you’ll discover a new perspective on bio-parents and how their past influences their present and future, an engaging response to the “I could never do that” statement, and an honest look at how foster parents can make a difference in bio-parents’ lives.
Gary Ringger shares his journey from young business man looking to achieve “the American dream” to now serving as an advocate for the orphaned and vulnerable child as President of Lifesong for Orphans. You will see first hand how God can take our weaknesses and use them for His glory! Listen in as Jami and Gary (her dad!) share memories, laughter and even a few tears in this very special episode.
Welcome to the very first episode of The Forgotten Podcast! In this episode, you’ll discover what to expect from The Forgotten Podcast, hear Jami’s story and how TFI started, as well as what adoption and foster care feel like through the eyes of children.